Monday, April 25, 2011

Introduction to the Food Unit (4/25)

Today we will
  • Discuss how aware we are of the reality behind the food we eat
  • Begin writing Blog 15: a summary and response to three videos about factory farming 

I. Watching "Potato or Tomato?" and "Old McDonald's Farm"
This video is part of Jamie Oliver's television show Food Revolution. After watching it, write down your reaction to it on a piece of paper.

This video is an advertisement by Compassion Over Killing, an animal rights organization. After watching it, write down your reaction on a piece of paper.

Questions for class discussion: What are the harsh realities being uncovered by these videos? Who/What is responsible for these realities? Who/What benefits from them? Who/What suffers because of them? Are these realities necessary?

II. What is food made of?
Examine the eggs crates, milk cartons, and cereal box I have brought to class. On a piece of paper, write down any keywords that describe what the product is. We will make a master list and discuss what these words mean.

III. Screening The Meatrix films

1. The Meatrix

2. The Meatrix: Revolting

3. The Meatrix II 1/2

IV. Blog 15, Part I: Summarizing the Stories

Write THREE paragraphs, the first summarizing the main points of The Meatrix, the second summarizing the main points of The Meatrix: Revolting, and the third summarizing the main points of The Meatrix II 1/2. If the dialogue is hard to understand, click on the Close Captioning symbol (CC) once the film begins to play.

V. Blog 15, Part II: Responding to a Factory Farming Issue
The Meatrix website has a list of issues connected to factory farming HERE. From this list, I want you to choose ONE of these issues:

Animal Welfare
Family Farms
Food Safety
Genetic Engineering
Water Pollution

Read about the issue and take notes. Then, write 250+ words explaining why this issue is significant. Your piece must have
  • a claim, 
  • at least two reasons to support the claim, and
  • at least two quotations from the webpage where you got your notes.