This Basic Writing class is titled “Brave New World” in honor of the Aldous Huxley's novel, which satirizes a perfect future society characterized by--among other things-- unquestioned mass consumption of goods and ideology. Accordingly, many of the texts for the course uncover the dystopic reality of 21st century life.
As part of the web-supported Teaching and Learning network of classes at LaGuardia Community College, students in this class will share their work with students in other classes.
The Professor
Ximena Gallardo C. (a.k.a. Doctor X) is a gender and film scholar who has published and presented widely on issues of representation in popular culture.
Dr. Gallardo is Feminism Editor for Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture and Co-chair for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Area for the Southwest and Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association.

Her book, Alien Woman, a study of the representation of women and gender in the Alien film series, was co-authored with C. Jason Smith.