Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 3: Summarizing

Overwritten. :-(
  1. Test your ability to recognize a summary HERE. Answers HERE.
  2. Read/Annotate/Discuss: "Summarizing" (5).
  3. Read: "How to Do One Thing at a Time" (6). Underline the parts of the reading that correspond to the different parts of  the professor's summary and connect them with arrows.
  4. In your group, summarize "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" (4) in a MSWord document. 
  5. Once you are satisfied with the summary, paste it HERE. To evaluate the summaries, go HERE
Lab for the 2:15 class, homework for the 5:45 class
  1. Write a new summary of "Hype." This will be
  2. Complete this tutorial: Identifying good summaries for CATW essays