Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Google Docs, Revising Blog 4 (10/5)

  • Revising Blog 4: Summary of Plato's Allegory of the Cave and “My Place in the Cave.” To do so:
  • Check the response you got for your summary from the Media Lives student again. 
  • In your revised Blog 4:
  • Underline Plato’s thesis in the summary
  • Underline YOUR thesis in “My Place in the Cave”
  • Use 3 vocabulary words from the reading (write them in capital letters)
  • In the part "My Place in the Cave," try to include at least TWO quotes from the reading 
  • Make the whole blog entry 400 words
Lost? Here is the Format for the Revised Blog 4. Just cut and paste and fill out with your own writing.