- Read/Discuss: "The Allegory of the Cave" (pages 16-18 of packet) and the the short animated film version at http://platosallegory.com
- Blog 4: Summarize “The Allegory of the Cave” and respond to the prompt “My Place in the Cave” below. Please use 3 words from reading in your summary/response
- Freerice 2.0 GRAMMAR
Blog 4, “My Place in the Cave”: Think about YOUR own life and compare it to Socrates' description of the cave. At what stage are you? Still chained? Looking around in amazement at the shadows that are created for us? Walking out into the light? Trying to help people get free? How do you know where you are? What evidence in your life supports your claim that you are where you are? Where are you planning to go? All the way out? All the way back? Please write about 250+ words on this subject using relevant details and examples from YOUR OWN LIFE to support your claim.