Friday, September 24, 2010

First Lab (9/24)

  • Introduction to the Lab (Hello Troy! :-)  )
  • Activity: “Fact or Opinion?” (pages 9-10 in packet)
  • If you have earphones, you may begin to do this next part in the lab. If you don't have earphones, you should probably do this next part at home:  Watch the segment of The Daily Show by clicking on the link below. Now click on the Comments for THIS my blog post and write a comment that answers the following:
  1. Is Fox News giving facts, opinions, or both?
  2. How do you know?
  3. What do you think is Fox News' purpose in discussing the logo of the conference?
Link to The Daily Show:

THE EVALUATION of Blog Series 1 will be this week-end (all blogs must be completed to get full credit!)