Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tying Loose Threads (9/27)

Today we review:
  • Fact or Opinion?
  • Summary:
  • This is the Summary Evaluation Checklist that the students of Media Lives will use to asses your summary of Blog 4, Plato's "Allegory of the Cave":
    1. Is the main idea (thesis) of the passage clearly and correctly stated? 
    2. Are the important supporting ideas stated correctly and fully? 
    3. Are all (or nearly all) unimportant ideas excluded? 
    4. Is the summary in the writer’s own words? 
    5. Is the summary written with few grammar/spelling/style errors? 
    6. Does the summary retain the sense and organization of the original passage? 
    7. Is personal opinion included in the summary?
==> Before leaving for B333 or another computer lab:  give your e-mail adresses to Dr. X

Revision of Blog 4: Summary/Response to “The Allegory of the Cave” due at 5:30!