Candy-gram by cindylouh |
You will have one hour and thirty minutes to write a practice CATW by hand. You may use a paper dictionary only. Cell phones must be off. You cannot talk to each other, ask me any questions, or get up once the exam has begun. I will call time after 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour and fifteen minutes, and when there are 5 minutes left to help you with the pacing. If I were you, I would take the full hour and thirty minutes to complete the exam!
Once you are finished, turn in your response to me and go to PART II.
Part II: Preparing for the Lab
Instructions: For each of these three steps, write down the answers in ONE blog entry entitled "Brainstorming about Technology"Step 1: Terms (5 minutes)
What do you think of when you hear the terms listed below? What does a dictionary say each of them means? (this is called “denotation”). What other words does a thesaurus connect to each of these words? (this is called “connotation”)? What do the words have to do with one another? Write your responses in your blog entry.
1. Tool
2. Technology
3. Cyborg
Step 2: Listing (5 minutes)
What technologies define your daily life? Make a list of electronic devices that you use every day (include anything, personal or public, that interfaces with a computer: i.e. cell phones, Metro Cards, credit cards, and etc.). How often/much do you use them? What do you use them for? What might your life be without them? Write your responses in your blog entry.
Step 3: In Groups (10 minutes)
Discuss you list with your group (2-3 persons, no exceptions). Help one another refine the list and get new ideas. Write your responses in your blog entry.