- Examples for category 4 and 5 errors HERE.
B. Returning CAT Practice 2: "I Know the Truth So Don't Bother me with Facts."
- Check the rubric on Blackboard to see my feedback and your scores.
- If my feedback includes something like "3 going on 4," that means that this category is borderline; probably one reader would have given you a score of 3 and another reader would have given you a score of 4.
- Calculate your total score by adding the five scores. For borderline categories, do not round up or down! Do not forget to double the score for categories 1-3.
Example: 2 (3+4) + 2(4+4) + 2(3+2) + 3+ 4 + 4+ 4= 55.C. Reading/annotating: "I Know the Truth So Don't Bother me with Facts."