Complete as much as you can of these three activities. Whatever you do not finish becomes homework.
1.So, what does a successful CAT-W look like, after all? Check
- actual student responses to a CAT-W prompt HERE
- a successful revision of CAT-W #1 from one of your classmates HERE.
2. Blog 12: Revising CAT-W # 2. Look over your CAT-W and decide what area you want to focus on. As you revise your test for Blog 12,
- Write your summary using italics like I am doing here
- Write your thesis in red font like I am doing here
- Write the topic sentence for each paragraph in blue font like I am doing here
- Write any references back to the reading in green font like I am doing here
3. Blog 13: Response to "XXXL: Why Are We So Fat?" (pages 30-31 of the class packet). Instructions