Monday, April 4, 2011

CAT-W Evaluation; The Matrix & Plato

Today we will:
  1. examine how the CAT-W is evaluated
  2. begin our work on The Matrix by
-checking the answers to the quiz
-creating a page for a summary of The Matrix
-reading, annotating, and responding to "Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?"

I. CAT-W Evaluation
In order to understand how you get your score, you need to examine two documents: the overall explanation (blue paper) and the Writing Assessment Analytic Scoring Rubric that raters use to score the test (the one with your scoring for the first CAT). You will have 15 minutes to look these over carefully, taking notes. Then we will open the floor for questions and comments that clarify the way the test is scored.

IMPORTANT: This is not to be a discussion of your particular response to the test. You need to take the test home, check the feedback carefully and have specific questions for me on Wednesday, when we work on revising the CAT.

II. The Matrix and Plato
Because of his new-found understanding of The Matrix, Neo can stop the Agents' bullets

  1. To check The Matrix Quiz Answers, click this Google Docs. To check your answers, click HERE
  2. Now create a new page entitled "The Matrix Summary" by clicking on "New Post" and then "Edit Pages." Copy and paste the numbered events of The Matrix from this Google Docs into the page in the correct order.  You will have 15 minutes to complete this task.
  3. Together, we will read "Red Pill or Blue Pill: Is Ignorance Bliss?" on pages 17-18 of the class packet. You will then annotate the reading in preparation for Blog 12: Summary and Response to "Red Pill or Blue Pill?"