Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 16: The Story of Bottled Water

Image from Bottled Water Blues
A. Thinking about bottled water 
(With my thanks to Anthony Lavigne via ESL etc. for the original lesson)
  1. How many people buy bottled water or bottled drinks? 
  2. When did you start buying bottled drinks? Why do you buy them? 
  3. Do you think there is anything wrong with buying bottled drinks?
  4. What are your thoughts about bottled water? tap water?
  5. Is bottled water safer/cleaner than tap water?
  6. What is the role of bottled water/drinks in climate change? 
B. Group Work: Discussing beliefs about bottled water HERE.

C. Choose ONE belief to write about. In an MSWord document, write whether you think the belief is true or false, using evidence from your own experience to prove so.

D. Watching The Story of Bottled Water from its website HERE or on YouTube HERE

E. Find out the facts about your belief HERE. Were you correct in your belief? Either way, in the same MSWord document, summarize and/or quote the facts about your belief. Don't forget to introduce the summary/quote with a signal phrase (packet, page 12).

F. Now create a body paragraph that connects

  • the general belief 
  • your view of the general belief
  • the facts of the belief

And finishes explaining what effects do the facts have on you or what you will do with them.

For transitional phrases, see the packet, pages 13-14.

The paragraph will be Print Piece #12

If you wish to learn more about the topic, watch ABC's "Bottled Water vs. Tap Water" on 20/20 with John Stossel HERE.