Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 15: Welcome to The Food Unit!

From Skews Me
A. Lecture: The Future-Present of the Cave

B. Thinking Critically
  1. Thinking about Food Labeling: With a partner, examine the eggs crates, milk cartons, cereal boxes, etc. I have brought to class. Write down what you consider KEY WORDS to describe the products. 
  2. Check my introduction to the Food Unit HERE
C. Screening The Meatrix films 

D. Print Portfolio Piece #11: Practicing the Sandwich Method Using a Factory Farming Issue. Instructions HERE.

Lab for 2:15:

On Blackboard, check my feedback under "Midterm Portfolio Reflection" for your customized To Do List of exercises. Decide on what exercises you want to complete first and begin your work. For the Final Portfolio, I expect you will have completed at least three of the items on the To Do list.