Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 9: CAT Practice # 1

Frewrite: For 5 minutes, write nonstop on the following:
Taming the CAT!
What are your fears about the CAT?

You will have one hour and thirty minutes to write a practice CAT by hand. You may use a paper dictionary only. Cell phones must be off. You cannot talk to each other, ask me any questions, or get up once the exam has begun. I will call time after 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour and fifteen minutes, and when there are 5 minutes left to help you with the pacing.

Your essay  must have:
  1. A summary of the passage.
  2. A claim or thesis responding to a significant idea in the passage.
  3. Body paragraphs with reasons and evidence. Refer back to the passage by quoting and commenting on the quotes.
  4. A conclusion
 Homework for Thursday 10/10: First Interclass Exchange and Practicing Quoting

If you are in the 2:15 class, you should read Blog 5 for three people in the 5:45 class
If you are in the 5:45 class, you should read Blog 5 for three people in the 2:15 class

Tell me who are the three people whose Blog 5 you have chosen to read HERE

For each of the three people, write ONE comment that quotes a significant idea in her/his Blog 5 and

  • explains why you agree or like what s/he wrote, OR
  • asks a question about what s/he wrote, OR
  • disagrees with something the person wrote

You should have a total of three comments.