Friday, January 6, 2017

ENX099.9476 Schedule

*I will be meeting with you individually during these three days to discuss specific issues and possible strategies to fix them. Please keep track of any trends in your writing by checking the scoring rubric I return with each test and the more specific feedback on the spreadsheet below.

1/7/17: Day 1: Diagnostic
Room: E106

9:30- 10:30 Introduction to the test and the skills we will be practicing
10:30- 12:00: Practice Test 1
12:00-1:00: Lunch
1:00-2:00: Diagnostic Quizzes
2:00-3:30: Practice Test 2
3:30-4:00: Cookie Break. Print out activities to complete based on your feedback sheet and our discussions. The class moves to E-150
4:00-5:30: Completing activities

Writing Activities:
  • Print out handouts from Grammar Bytes (run-on sentences, comma splices, fragments)
  • Complete interactive activities from John Jay's Grammar Tutorials (Sentence Structure, Sentence Combining, Verb Forms, Verb Tense)
Feedback for Tests HERE

1/8/17: Day 2: Practice, or finding your style
Room: E150

9:30-10:30: Exercises for creating non-formulaic thesis statements using topics from Test 1 and 2
10:30-12:00: Practice Test 3
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00: Exercises for understanding audience/connecting/close reading
2:00-3:30: Test 4
3:30-4:00: Cookie Break.
4:00-5:30: Integrating ideas from the reading into a body paragraph

Feedback for Tests HERE

1/9/17: Day 3: Review
Room: E106

9:30-10:30: Practice connecting to topics
10:30-12:00: Test 5
1:00-1:30: Review and Meditation
1:30: Walk to C Building
2:00: CAT-W Retest in Room C126

Feedback for Tests HERE