Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day 3: Summarizing

  1. Quick review of  Basic Skills and Annotating.
  2. Test your ability to recognize a summary HERE. Answers HERE.
  3. Read/Annotate/Discuss: "Summarizing" (5). See also "Signal Phrases" (12). 
  4. Read: "How to Do One Thing at a Time" (6). Underline the parts of the reading that correspond to the different parts of  the professor's summary and connect them with arrows.
  5. In your group, summarize "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" (4) in a MSWord document. 
  6. Once you are satisfied with the summary, paste it HERE. To evaluate the summaries, go HERE.
  7. Returning CAT-W Practice #1.
Complete these four CUNY Test tutorials from John Jay College of Criminal Justice (if you do not finish them, do so for homework):
  1. Introducing the CAT in Writing
  2. Understanding the directions for the CAT in Writing
  3. Identifying good summaries for CATW essays
  4. Writing good summaries

1. If you did not annotate "Hype," do so now. This will be Piece #2 of your print portfolio. If you did do a bit of annotation, revise it to make it better. If you need a clean copy of "Hype," print this one HERE.

2.  In no more than 8 lines, write a new summary of "Hype." This will be piece #3 of your print portfolio.

If you missed last class
  1. Ignore #1-2 in the homework above.
  2. Instead, take 90 minutes to write a response to the CAT-W reading "Boys and Girls Together, Taught Separately in School" in the blue book I will give you. Bring your response to class on Monday.