Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Day Two: Annotating

From "Annotating Text Lesson" on YouTube
I. Learning from your first CAT-W Practice: "Hype"
  1. Your questions and comments to the student responses to "Hype" HERE
  2. Understanding the main ideas of "Hype"
  3. Returning CAT-W 1 and checking the rubric evaluations on Blackboard

II. Annotating
  1. Read and discuss (and annotate!) "Annotating" (class packet, page 1).
  2. Read: "How to Do One Thing at a Time" (2).
  3. Check: Annotations for  "How to Do One Thing at a Time" (3).
  4. On your own, annotate "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"(4).
  5. With your partner, compare your annotations. See if you agree on 
    • What the main point of the reading is
    • What are 2-3 important ideas other than the main point 
    • What are 2-3 ideas you may want to quote later 
    • What words could need to be looked up in a dictionary
    7. As a class, we will annotate an online version of the reading HERE.

Lab for 5:45 class
   Complete these two CUNY Test tutorials from John Jay College of Criminal Justice:
  1. Introducing the CAT in Writing
  2. Understanding the directions for the CAT in Writing

1. If you did not annotate "Hype," do so now. This will be Piece #2 of your print portfolio. If you did do a bit of annotation, revise it to make it better. If you need a clean copy of "Hype," print this one HERE.

2. Re-read your response to "Hype." Check my feedback on Blackboard. Think of all the things we have covered in class today. Now, write a short reflection that explains 1-3 things that you would revise to make your response to "Hype" better and submit it HERE.

If you missed last class
  1. Ignore #2 in the homework above.
  2. Instead, take 90 minutes to write a response to the CAT-W reading "Boys and Girls Together, Taught Separately in School" in the blue book I will give you. Bring your response to Thursday's class.