Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 16

Complete as much as you can of these two activities. Whatever you do not finish becomes homework.

Summary of The Story of Bottled Water from its website:
[It is] the story of "manufactured demand"---how you get Americans to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week when it already flows from the tap. Over seven minutes, the film explores the bottled water industry’s attacks on tap water and its use of seductive, environmental-themed advertising to cover up the mountains of plastic waste it produces. The film concludes with a call to "take back the tap," not only by making a personal commitment to avoid bottled water, but by supporting investments in clean, available tap water for all.
Writing Blog 10: Manufactured Demand
  1. As a class, we will watch The Story of Bottled Water 
  2. Read about the myths surrounding bottled water HERE. Choose ONE myth to write about.
  3. Compose a multi-paragraph 250+ word blog entry on ONE myth about water consumption by doing the following:
  • Quote the myth
  • In your own words, restate the most convincing arguments against this myth. 
  • Connect at least one of the arguments to your personal experience with an example.
If you need to watch the film again, go HERE or on YouTube HERE 

If you wish to watch ABC's "Bottled Water vs. Tap Water" on 20/20 with John Stossel, it is HERE. 

Writing Blog 11: "Happy Meals" 
  1. Read/Annotate the advice in Michael Pollan's “Happy Meals” on page 34 of the packet.
  2. Write a 250+ word blog entry where 
  • the first paragraph discusses all the ideas in Pollan's advice that are possible for you or your family to do and why, 
  • the second paragraph addresses all the ideas in Pollan's advice that would be hard for you or your family to do and why, and 
  • a third paragraph that addresses all the ideas in Pollan's advice that are impossible for you or your family to do right now and why.