Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 10: Welcome to the Media Unit!

Congratulations on completing the Introductory Unit! 
  1. Today we begin the Media Unit. For an introduction to the texts we will be discussing in class, click HERE
  2. Screening The Truman Show.

    Today's Lab--If you do not get to finish everything on the list, it becomes HOMEWORK for Monday.
    1. Summarizing The Truman Show HERE.
    2.          Answers to summary  HERE.
    3. Blog 5: Truman and Me HERE.
Homework for Monday:

  1. Complete this Tutorial in Using Effective Language for the CAT-W
  2.  On Monday we will have our CAT-W Practice #1. The first part of the test will be whether you can show up on time. For CAT-W-taking strategies, see page 26 of our class packet; for what the CAT-W scores mean, see page 25 (I will explain the scoring in detail in a future class).
  3. If you have not checked my feedback on your blog posts and your grade for the Introductory Unit on Blackboard, this would be a good moment.
Ongoing: Watch The Matrix and complete the quiz on the top of my blog before Wednesday, April 23.
The Library has streamed The Matrix HERE. You can watch the streaming ON CAMPUS ONLY and you need to log in with you LaGuardia username and password. If you wish to watch it at home, you will need to figure how to get a copy on your own.