Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lab 2 (3/23)

Please read the whole set of instructions before beginning.
  1. Form groups of  3 or 4. 
  2. Open the Google Docs that has your claim and thesis responding to a significant idea in "I Know the Truth..." (see below). 
  3. One person in the group shares her THESIS with the group. The rest of the group members give her oral feedback by answering the three questions below the Google Docs. 
  4. Repeat for all members of the group. Take a maximum 10 minutes per person (for a total of 30 min. for a group of 3 and 40 min. for a group of  4)
  5. Consider the feedback you have been given, including the earlier comments to your summary. Now revise your summary and your thesis for "I Know the Truth" right there in the Google Docs.
  6. If you have any time left, read the directions on page 8 and begin creating your vocabulary list on the Vocabulary page of your blog. 

Questions to answer for the person's THESIS responding to a significant idea in "I Know the Truth..."
  • What did you like about the thesis?
  • What was confusing about the thesis?
  • What would you do differently for this thesis?