Thursday, November 18, 2010

CATW 6; Next week's conferences (11/18)

From Educated Nation
You will have one hour and thirty minutes to write your last practice CATW by hand. You may use a paper dictionary only. Cell phones must be off. You cannot talk to each other, ask me any questions, or get up once the exam has begun. I will call time after 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour and fifteen minutes, and when there are 5 minutes left to help you with the pacing.

If I were you, I would take the full hour and thirty minutes to complete the exam!

Days and Times for Student-Teacher Conferences
Attendance to these conferences is mandatory. If you do not come or if you are late, you risk not being eligible to take the CATW on December 2. Each conference will last approximately 10 minutes.  We will meet in my office, M109 B.

MONDAY (Nov. 22)
  1. 3:25- 3:35: Michael A.
  2. 3:35- 3:45: Keith
  3. 3:45- 3:55: Johanna
  4. 3:55- 4:05: Jamel
  5. 4:05- 4:15: Rommy
  6. 4:15- 4:25: Stefan
  7. 4:25-4:35: Monica
  8. 4: 35- 4:45: Karolina
  9. 4:45- 4:55: Michael H.
  10. 4:55- 5:05: Sethlina
TUESDAY (Nov. 23)
  1. 3:25- 3:35: Murad
  2. 3:35- 3:45: Lorick
  3. 3:45- 3:55: Christian
  4. 3:55- 4:05: Devontre
  5. 4:05- 4:15: Tshering
  6. 4:15- 4:25: Esther
  7. 4:25-4:35: Kristina
  8. 4: 35- 4:45: Jeremiah
  9. 4:45- 4:55: Andres
  10. 4:55- 5:05: Shaka
THE EVALUATION of Blog Series 5 will be this week-end (all blogs must be completed to get full credit!)