PART I: You will have one hour and thirty minutes to write a practice CATW by hand. You may use a paper dictionary only. Cell phones must be off. You cannot talk to each other, ask me any questions, or get up once the exam has begun. I will call time after 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour and fifteen minutes, and when there are 5 minutes left to help you with the pacing.If I were you, I would take the full hour and thirty minutes to complete the exam!
Once you are finished, turn in your response to me and go to PART II.
- Go to your blog and check the comment that the student in Media Lives made about your summary of Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
- Click on the person's name (or on the link provided in the comment) to go to their profile and then to their blog.
- Look for her/his answer to Blog 2. Here is the prompt s/he had to answer:
Plato uses the allegory of the cave to discuss the situations in life where people live in an illusion or refuse to accept the truth. Discuss such a situation from human history and explain what the illusion was.
- Read the person's response and then click on "Comment" and
- Introduce yourself
- Thank the person for helping you with the summary
- Make a comment on the person's post. Use your own ideas about Platos' allegory or what you have learned from The Truman Show or from the Truman Syndrome to write this part.
5. Now go back to YOUR blog and write Blog 5: Reader Response.
Start your blog post with one of these sentences (or make up one of your own):
Start your blog post with one of these sentences (or make up one of your own):
- The most interesting idea in [insert name here]'s post was.....
- One thing I did not understand when I read [insert name here]'s post was...
- I never realized that............until I read [insert name here]'s post.
- One connection between the ideas that [insert name here] was writing about and my understanding of Plato's allegory is....
- [Insert name here]'s post reminded me of....